品牌: Delta Plus
型號: 405035
物料: PVC塗層
厚度: ~0.3mm
尺寸: ~120 x 90cm
Brand: Delta Plus
Model: 405035
Material: PVC Coated
Thickness: ~0.30mm
Size: ~120 x 90cm
Color: White
Light grade of chemical protection
電郵 email: contact@uspsafety.com
Tel: 26269880, 26269813 Fax: 26269600
WhatsApp: 91529703
門市營業時間 Shop Opening Hours:
平日(Mon-Fri) 9a.m.~5:30p.m., 星期六(Sat) 9a.m.~4p.m.
星期日及公眾假期休息 Sunday&Public Holiday: Closed
物料: PVC塗層
厚度: ~0.3mm
尺寸: ~120 x 90cm
Material: PVC Coated
Thickness: ~0.30mm
Size: ~120 x 90cm
Color: White
Light grade of chemical protection